zipper teeth flowers for the back
Uncle Rons pillow
quilt made for Brittany out of her grandpa Buds shirts
My Tag Made with Love by Tonya the Levi Queen
zipper teeth flowers quilt made for Brittany out of her grandpa Buds shirts
Grandsons came for 2 weeks this summer so they learned how to sew and tie a quilt
Brexton and Brody with their quilts they made
Brexton and Brody learning to sewBrexton and Brody with their quilts they made
My cousin Pam turned "70" it SUCKS!
Joyces pi8llow she gave to her grandson for a wedding gift
my sister Leslie had me make this quilt for her neighbor she got rid of all her mothers material so she gave this back to her
Graduation pillow made for my friend Joyce